
[WCC2012]关注危险因素控制、降低心血管剩余风险——李建军教授对话David Wood 教授

作者:  李建军  D.Wood   日期:2012/5/2 15:09:04


《国际循环》:我以《国际循环》的名义感谢David Wood 和李建军教授加入我们有关残余风险的讨论。首先,Dr. Wood,您能否给我们简要介绍一下残余血管风险的概念?

  <International Circulation>:   Many of these other things that are not lipid related are modifiable but some are not.  If we are talking about the broader definition of residual risk, which of the risk factors taken into account are considered most modifiable risk factors?

  <International Circulation>: Li mentioned that as may be found in the United States, where more and more people are becoming more knowledgeable of their own lifestyle the risk is naturally lowering.  Would you agree with that statement?

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