
[ASH2012]心血管医学抗栓治疗的进展——美国杜克大学医学中心Richard C. Becker教授专访

作者:  R.C.Becker   日期:2012/5/24 16:33:31



  <International Circulation>: What is your opinion on DAP duration being individualized according to different types of drug-eluting stents?
  Dr Becker: The emerging data would support that. The newer generation of drug-eluting stents allow endothelialization and endothelial cells are wonderful antithrombotics in themselves so it does seem that the newer generation of drug-eluting stents will only require six months of dual antiplatelet therapy whereas prior generations dictate a mandate of twelve months or even longer.


  <International Circulation>: Recently a randomized trial showed that in patients with high platelet reactivity after drug-eluting stent implantation, prasugrel had more effective platelet inhibition compared to clopidogrel. What information do you get from that?
  Dr Becker: I think it is particularly important that we are able to tailor therapies, meaning if we know that a particular patient has heightened platelet reactivity that there might be a particular drug that would be best for them. We considered, at least in the past, when we had just one drug that we would hope all patients would respond but now because we have a greater number of drugs and the techniques that we use to gauge how active their platelets are have evolved, I think we are getting closer to being able to individualize care. I would expect that as the technology evolves that our pharmacological based therapies will evolve with it so it is upon us to do the appropriate designed trials so we can get the answer and not necessarily make assumptions based on prior experience.


  <International Circulation>: It has been demonstrated by a series of trials that direct thrombin inhibitors have a lower risk of hemorrhage and don’t increase cardiovascular events compared to unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). Will it replace UFH and LMWH in the near future?
  Dr Becker: It really depends on the indication. We certainly have trials of direct thrombin inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes previously but none of them led to approval in acute coronary syndromes. We do have one drug, bivalirudin, which is approved for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and in that particular setting, its safety profile and efficacy profile has certainly driven uptake.


版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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