[ACC2011]心房颤动的药物治疗—— Joseph S. Alpert教授专访
<International Circulation>: Doesn’t that beg the question: Isn’t there a central database keeping track of these patients so these things never happen?
prof Alpert:The simple answer is no. In fact that is exactly what we want. What would be wonderful would be if whenever I saw a doctor there was a central computer repository that kept a record of that meeting. The proof that that would work is where you have integrated health care systems like the Mayo where every note and piece of lab data goes into the same electronic file and every doctor has access to that when they see the patient, of course, within the Mayo. We are just in the process of integrating our group practice in our hospital in the same way. When you see a patient, you will be able to see what has happened in the hospital, what the lab values were, what the primary care doctor said, what the surgeon said and so on. I would love to see that as standard to a national level because patients travel and doctors travel. We communicate but sometimes the communication isn’t perfect backwards and forwards. If every patient had a central electronic repository and only accessed appropriately for security purposes, it would be wonderful. That is what the military does. When you are in the military, you carry your medical record. If you get transferred from post A to post B, they won’t let you on the post until you bring your medical record and it has everything about you in there. It is not electronic but it proves how excellent the concept is that there is a comprehensive and complete medical record accessible to everyone who takes care of you.